Guarded by the cultivated plains of cereal and as if it were an oasis, arise in the middle of Tierra de Campos a series of lagoons of saline character. They are the Natural Reserve Lagunas de Villafáfila. High value for wintering and for the migratory steps of thousands of waterfowl, the current reserve went through a difficult time in the 70s, due to the constant drying policies. Subsequently different figures of space protection were created and also the necessary infrastructures for their interpretation would be added.
At the national level it constitutes the second refuge for the wintering of the Greylag Goose, only surpassed by Doñana. Among them it is not rare to be able to find some Great white-fronted goose, some Barnacle Goose or even some Pink-footed goose . Also we will observe thousands of Northern shoveler,Eurasian wigeon , Northern pintail, Common Teals, Tufted Ducks and the precious Common shelduck among other species.
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We can also observe an innumerable number of shorebirds, especially in the spring, such as, for example, the Common Redshank, the Pied Avocet, the Black-winged stilt, the Golden Plover, several species of sandpipers, the Black-tailed Godwit and the European Lapwing among others. .
Of special importance are also the extensive areas of cereal that we found protecting the lagoons. They are home to the largest population of the Great Bustard of Castilla y León and where its density is one of the highest recorded in the world. They also receive special importance because the populations of other steppe species such as Little Bustard can still be observed in a more regular way.
Along this route, we will know not only the natural values of the reserve but we will also emphasize the customs and typical buildings, the pigeon houses, which will be scattered throughout the area. In them we will find important populations of Lesser Kestrel that nest in the spring under the tiles and hollows of these buildings. Together with them, although more hidden, we can also see the favorite bird of the Goddess Athenea, The little owl.
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Duration of the activity: 8 hours
Persons: Minimum 2. The available places will be completed with other reservations. Total seats available: 6
Price: € 57 / person.
Member Conservation Entity: 5% discount. (Must be accredited by submitting the membership number)
Young (10-18 years old): 5% discount. (You must be accompanied by your legal guardian during the activity)
Group (3 people): 5% discount. Exclusive guide service: € 120, without car sharing with other reservations
Available time: November to April.
Includes: Transportation in vehicle with capacity for 6 clients, use of nature guides, information dossier of the activity, guide service, insurance and taxes, use of optical equipment (binoculars for each person) and telescope.
If you are interested in this route, you can reserve it through Contact and reservations.
Other activities that may interest you: Winter water birds
If you have any questions about the activity, you can contact us. / 606 669 203